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ქონების საინვესტიციო კომპანია ბათუმი: 6 საუკეთესო ინვესტიცია

Discover Property Investment Company Batumi Georgia That Delivers Results Due to the country’s rapid economic growth, foreign investors are attracted to Georgia. This is because the country’s favorable living environment and business environment are ideal for individuals who are looking to make a quick buck. Due to the city’s well-developed infrastructure, the real estate market … Წაიკითხე მეტი

ბათუმში დასასვენებელი ქონების ყიდვის საბოლოო გზამკვლევი - 5 მიზეზი, თუ რატომ არის ახლა საუკეთესო დრო

Introduction: What are the Benefits of Owning Vacation Property? In the past, buying Batumi vacation property was an investment reserved for the elite. But now, it is becoming increasingly popular among those who have a little extra cash to spend on their holiday. Benefits of owning vacation property include: -Access to a second home -The … Წაიკითხე მეტი

საბოლოო მყიდველების გზამკვლევი ბათუმის დასასვენებელი ქონებისთვის Orbi Group-თან ერთად

The History of Vacation Property With Orbi Group Orbi Group was originally a car wash company in the early 2000’s and started by Zaza Zoidze and Giorgi Bitsadze. Zaza Zoidze would eventually stay with Orbi Group while Giorgi Bitsadze went on to form Alliance Group which is another development company in Georgia. Orbi has built … Წაიკითხე მეტი

7 ნაბიჯი გზამკვლევი დასასვენებელი ქონების შესაძენად ბათუმში საქართველოში

Have you ever dreamed of buying a vacation property in Batumi? If so, you are not alone. Vacation properties are popular because they offer the opportunity to earn rental income, and enjoy a piece of paradise for your own personal use. But before you take the plunge and buy a vacation property, there are many … Წაიკითხე მეტი
