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Villa Inspections Batumi: 4 Best Options

Modern Villa Inspections Batumi Georgia Overnight

Über 72 Jahre kombinierte Erfahrung im Dienste Georgiens

Complete Villa Inspections Batumi From A to Z

Maximizing return on investment with your Batumi villa while you live and work in another country is challenging.

Lassen Sie das professionelle Team von Proprietas all diese Details für Sie erledigen.

Our experienced inspection team will send you a detailed inspection report overnight giving you peace of mind on your next property purchase in Batumi.

Fill out the form to have one of our friendly representatives contact you about professional villa investment quote for your vacation and investment property.

Reach Out to Us and One of Our Villa Inspection Agents Will Contact You in One Business Day

What Are The Most Popular Villa In Batumi?


villa management batumi

Batumi Villa

Batumi villas cannot be denied and we proudly inspect multiple properties in this modern villa project.


rose vila with pool batumi

Villas Eucalyptus

Premier location with views of the Black Sea, Caucasus mountains make this an excellent choice for evaluations of villa vacation properties. Call us to arrange a viewing to inspect your villa


Villa For Sale

With a prime location on Batumi St next to the new UEFA Stadium,Villa for sale is an excellent choice for hosting multiple vacation properties and executive suites for business.


Polo Villas

located near the beach of the Black Sea near the airport, Gonio, the Turkish border and Euphoria mall. Call us today to arrange an inspection


Seaside Villas

Has some great villas that we inspect for our clients in a luxury environment on the Black Sea beach. Contact us today to to arrange inspection.


Villas Batumi

Located on the beach with modern amenities, the Batumi villas aims to please investors and tourists alike with stunning views of the Black Sea and mountains. Villa property evaluations is valid here for appointment call today.

Preisgekrönte Branchenführer mit Erfolgsbilanz

Villa inspections are something we take very seriously. We understand that you want your investment property handled with white glove hands and we deliver a dteailed inspection report over night..

That’s why we specialize in villa property inspections only, so our team is focused on doing one thing really well. Delivering high quality detailed inspection reports that will give you peace of mind.

Angebotene Dienstleistungen

  • Villa Inspections
  • Property Title Evaluation
  • Property Taxes Status
  • Villa Management
  • Juristische Immobiliendienstleistungen

Click the link below to meet our team of property inspection service specialists.

Lady consulting client property management batumi
Villa Kundenbewertungen

An Amazing Villa Inspection

„Das Team von Proprietas konnte hervorragende Ergebnisse liefern. Meine Auslastung und mein ROI waren die höchsten aller Zeiten und mehr als doppelt so hoch wie die 5-Sterne-Bewertungen des Vorjahres! „

– Georgie K, Brussels

Eine schöne Villa mit Aussicht

“Finding a good property inspection team in Batumi that would give me a detailed inspection was my priority. Proprietas exceeded my goals and then some with their accommodating and professional service.”

– Luke Admiral, Latvia

Absolutely The Best Villa Inspectors

“I wanted to be sure of my villa purchase in Batumi and had Larry at Proprietas do an inspection and am I ever glad I did. It saved me over ten thousand dollars.”

– Andrie J, Belarus

A Powerful Team of Villa Professionals

“Whats left to say? Proprietas team has exceeded my expectations. A professional property inspection team that delivers exceptional results. Highly regarded!”

– Luka M , Kuwait

Akkreditierungen & Partner

Proprietas Villa Inspections Q&A

What is included in an villa inspection in Batumi?

We inspect all major structural and mechanical components of an apartment that can be seen with a visual inspection. Appliances, lifts and lighting are tested. All is delivered overnight in a detailed report.

Können Bürger anderer Länder Immobilien in Batumi kaufen?

Ja, Georgien hat eine liberale Politik für Ausländer, Immobilien in Batumi zu besitzen. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist eine Kopie Ihres Reisepasses, Ihrer physischen Adresse, Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse und Ihres Telefons

Wie lange dauert die Mietsaison in Batumi?

Batumi gilt in erster Linie als Badeort mit der geschäftigsten Saison von Juli bis September, aber mit dem neuen UEFA-qualifizierten Stadion und einem neuen Skihang in Goderdzi hat sich die Mietsaison auf vier Saisons ausgeweitet. Der Tiefwasserhafen in Batumi hat auch das ganze Jahr über einen stetigen Strom von Geschäftsreisenden, die nach Batumi kommen.

Can I pay for a villa inspection with Lari? USD? or Euro?

Georgian inspection services have to be paid with Lari. We can accept payment in crypto as well.

Can you find villa inspection services in Batumi?

Yes, there are a few private firms including Proprietas that do detailed and quick property inspections.

Haben Sie einen Agenten, der Arabisch sprechen kann?

Yes, our regional manager Julio speaks many languages including Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Georgian, and limited Turkish

Can we arrange for you to inspect our villa online?

Yes, we can arrange payment and send the detailed inspection report all online. We are also more than happy for clients in Batumi to come visit our office.

Can I apply for residency with a villa rental property in Georgia?

Ja, Sie können einen Aufenthaltstitel beantragen, wenn Sie ein Mietobjekt mit einem Wert von $100 000 USD oder mehr besitzen.

How much does villa inspection in Batumi cost?

Apartments 50 m2 and smaller are $350, apartments over 50 m2 are $499 for an overnight, detailed inspection. Villas and Town Houses cost $549. Travel outside of Batumi is extra.

Where can I get my villa inspection Batumi questions answered?

Proprietas Inspections has a online form to send any questions you may have and/or call one of our professional representatives with the phone number on our site as well.

Gibt es in Batumi ein Immobiliendienstleistungsunternehmen?

Yes, there are property service companies including Prorietas Investments that will manage your studio, condo, villa, townhouse or commercial property.

Was kostet die Immobilienverwaltung in Batumi, Georgien?

Die Kosten hängen vom Zustand Ihrer Immobilie ab. Mieten Sie kurz- oder langfristig? Handelt es sich um eine Wohn- oder Gewerbeimmobilie? Welche Dienstleistungen benötigen Sie? Dies sind alles Variablen, die besprochen werden müssen, bevor die endgültigen Kosten ermittelt werden können.

Was ist in den Hausverwaltungsleistungen enthalten?

Proprietas Investments includes, marketing, daily cleaning, paying utilities, paying taxes, booking rooms, room maintenance and insurance.

Gibt es Gebäudeverwaltungsunternehmen in Batumi?

Yes, Proprietas Investments and other property management services companies can provide building management during construction, pre construction and post construction.

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